Hello All! This weekend we had a special visitor. Kelly's cousin Mike. He is a Major in the Air Force stationed in Germany. He had to come to U.S. for work and was going to be flying through Chicago. He made a special trip to spend time with us and we of course were thrilled!! We wish he could have brought his wife, Holly and son, Tyler. Maybe some day we will meet up with them in Europe, that would sure be fun. Imagine the Briden Bunch's European Vacation, what fun!!!! Cousin Mike or Cousin Uncle Mike as the kids called him at times was welcomed into the Briden home like any friend or family member by WRESTLING. Our kids
love to wrestle their Dad, Grandpa B, Granddad Briden, Aunt Heather, Uncle Rick, Aunt Kristin, Uncle Kirk, Uncle Jeff and now Cousin Uncle Mike has been added to the Briden club of fun Wrestlers. Thanks for coming to visit us Mike we pray you, Holly and Tyler are protected by God while serving our country abroad. Thank you for your service to our country!!! Thank you also for driving all the way to and from Chicago to our neck of the woods. Maybe next time we can visit yours?!
Enjoy the pictures everyone was in on the action. Even Hope sat in her bouncer seat watching all the action and kicking her legs wildly. Soon, Hope, soon you will be down on the floor taking your daddy down : )